Significance of Philosophy

Abdul B. Qamar
5 min readNov 22, 2021


Many people often question me about the need and significance of philosophy. And honestly, I do not mind such questioning because I think philosophy is all about interrogating existence and certainty, and what else would be more enriching than questioning on a subject full of questions and argumentations. In this article, I will be answering that what makes philosophy unique and so valuable.

To generalize things is the nature of our minds, and that is good as far as we understand things precisely but, when it comes to philosophy, it does not work like that. In philosophy, everything has a particular actuality. Everything has a unique identity. Therefore, to explain the significance of philosophy, it would be a better idea to make some points. And this nature of philosophy (assuming everything separately) leads me to my very first point.

Thinking and reflecting precisely

No other discipline is as fixated to speak upon central concerns as Philosophy does. Regardless of whether it is defending common rights, contemplating the importance of human behaviors, or sorting out the problems of governments, philosophy has consistently addressed rational enthusiasm. Since the old days, rationalists have committed themselves to investigate many points of view while questioning their logic. No question is too large or excessively little for logicians. Other than posing huge questions, philosophy is all about the point of view. Decisive reasoning and study are the mighty pieces of what distinguish philosophy.

For quite a long time, scholars discussed how to view and manage various styles of abstraction. The discussion is continually continuing. At the point where you take on a philosophical outlook and figure out how to break down explanations and thoughts with a basic understanding, you come out better as a philosopher. Philosophy makes you sharp enough to recognize when and what thought deserves your time to think. That is the primary expertise you achieve with the help of philosophy. Later, the conclusions concluded from rationalization can be applied wherever in your life. That is how philosophy helps you to think and act precisely. Simple, right? But how can philosophy speak upon central concerns in almost every discipline of life we study? Well, that is my second point. Let’s get straight into it!

The Pivot Point of Existence

You may agree or disagree, but in every aspect, area, discipline, or field of life is a philosophical viewpoint — the central idea behind everything that helps us improve the understanding and learning experience. How? See, philosophy constrains you to pose questions like What? Why? How? When? And the list goes on.

Whether you are concentrating on writing or science, the reasoning in you will make you curious, and you will start questioning — What is the embodiment of the current point, and what difference does it make? It is like comprehending the essence of things to understand their behaviors and impacts on other things. But why only philosophy can do so? Because it is all about absolute reasoning and thinking, which are significant abilities in any discipline, making the learning system more coordinated and fulfilling. Therefore, philosophy is also known as the mother of all knowledge. Knowledge? Is it possible to obtain knowledge without solving problems? It is driving me towards my third point.

Role of a Problem-solver

You know, problems are a part of life. Everybody from legislators to attorneys to writers faces problems. Regardless variety of concerns and problems we are confronting, philosophy can benefit us to settle them all. Other than decisive reasoning and reflection, philosophy shows individuals the significance of being objective. It does not only help you to reach the nature of any problem but can also assist in developing a layout through which you can solve it.

Philosophy supports because a way of thinking shows few procedures like perception, instinct, and justification. With the help of utilizing conclusive reasoning and viable exploration, we can separate issues into their essence and test versions. Philosophy can be a method for taking care of problems as unavoidable issues because the core element in philosophy is to think. So, it would be a good idea to use philosophy as your problem-solver. Am I talking about a change? Okay! Let me get deeper into it.

A tool for Transformation

Are you a history lover? Well, it is fine if you are not. But you may have noticed a common element behind every change that happened in human history. Do you know that every change in history, whether it was social or political, started as scholarly discussions? That is because knowledge has a direct relation with our thoughts, and not everyone can think equally. That is how and why belief systems exist. That is right! The common element within every change is a belief system that can vary from time to time, from human to human.

With every new day, we are unveiling consciousness, and because of that, our reasoning urges the world to investigate why things are how they are and if they could be better. That is happening from the very beginning of human beings. Just like a cycle, repeat and repeat in search of better. Philosophy requests the same thing — to investigate our lives and perspectives. That is how human beings are continuously using philosophy as a tool of change and development. So, do we need philosophy in these modern times? Now that would be my closing point in this article.

Need of Philosophy

You might be wondering that how philosophy can help us today. Look, you may not know about it but, reasoning gigantically affects how the world functions. There are so many issues individuals or governments grapple with every day. The nature of these problems might get different from one another but, as long as human beings have a mind to think or a life to live, this world is not going to be a place free from problems. Even future technology can’t resolve this problem. (Suggestion: Read Modernism and Humanity next)

Philosophy covers questioning, reasoning, and arguments, and we know in everyday life what importance only these little things have. Therefore, we need philosophy. We needed it and will always need it. So, that was all for this article. I hope that now you will be clear enough about the need for philosophy, the importance and value of philosophy.

Think and Reflect!



Abdul B. Qamar

I’m a Business Consultant and Psychologist. I like to help people grow mentally and financially. To know more about what I do, visit: