Managing Stress

Abdul B. Qamar
4 min readFeb 12, 2022


Stress affects us in many ways, physically and emotionally, with different intensities. According to research, it could be one of the reasons for inefficiency and a lack of productivity.

Today, we see that almost every third person suffers from stress. Therefore, we need to understand everything about stress. To oppose it and maintain our mental peace. But, before I give you some tips for preventing stress, you should first know the definition and symptoms of stress.

What is Stress?

Stress is a feeling of being under extraordinary pressure. This pressure can come from various aspects of your daily life, such as increased employment tensions, mental transition, conflicts with your family, and existing financial anxieties. You may find a growing effect, with each pressure building on the other.

Such situations can make you feel threatened or angry, and your body may respond positively to stress. That can cause few physical symptoms, change your behavior, and lead to more powerful emotions.

Symptoms of Stress

The following are some physical and mental signs that can help you identify stress:

- Dizziness

- Feelings of persistent anxiety or worry

- Eating disorders

- Irritability

- Short-term anger

- Feelings of fatigue

- Difficulty focusing

- Mood swings

- Aches and pains, especially muscle spasms

- Diarrhea and constipation

- Feeling of nausea

- Difficulty in sleeping or a change in sleeping pattern

- Consuming alcohol, tobacco, or drugs for comfort

- Low self-esteem

- Loss of sexual desire

If these symptoms are present for a long time, and you feel that they affect your daily life or make you feel suffering, you should talk to your doctor. Why? Because chronic stress can lead to depression. So, do not risk your health and consult your mental health professional.

What should you do when feeling stressed?

Realizing what is causing stress

- Try to build the connection between feeling exhausted and the tension bothering you.

- Explore physical signs such as unrelaxed muscles, over-tiredness, headaches, or migraines.

Determine the reasons for stress

- Try to specify the root cause.

- Sort all causes for your stress into three classes:

1. With a practical solution.

2. That needs time.

3. About which you cannot do anything.

Now, try to terminate the fear of those in the second and third classes and let them go.

Examining lifestyle

Are you carrying on too much? Is there something extra you are doing? To function on the answer to these queries, you may need to set priority and re-organize your life. That will allow you to terminate stress.

Tips for staying protected from stress

Stay hydrated

Water is full of benefits. Some studies have shown that the people who drink plenty of water daily stay more active and less likely to develop mental stress.

Habits of smoking and drinking alcohol

Try not to do it or control your habit of smoking and drinking alcohol. It may seem to reduce the tension at first but is misleading as it eventually exacerbates problems.

Eating nutritious diet

Eating a healthy diet can diminish the risk of foodborne illness.

There is a growing amount of proof showing how food affects our mood and how healthy eating can improve this.

You can protect your sense of well-being by confirming that your diet provides the right amount of nutrients for the brain.

Exercise or some physical activity

Include exercise in your lifestyle. It can be very effective in relieving stress. If you can’t do that, then meditate as it has many benefits especially countering stress. Click here to read other Benefits of Meditation.

Even going for a breath of fresh air and walking to the store can help. In short, start a good physical activity to save yourself from stress.

Don’t burden yourself

Always see things in a positive light.

Do not work more than your energy.

Be patient and work effectively.

Be your best friend. Be kind and supportive to yourself.

Take a few minutes each day to teach yourself something new.

At last, a bad day does not mean that every day of your life has become poor. So keep your mind calm, body relaxed, and thoughts positive.

Develop mindfulness

Mindfulness is a way of life of mind and body that gives a different way to experience things. It involves paying attention to our thoughts and feelings in a way that enhances our capacity to handle difficult situations and to make wise decisions.

Try to get into the habit of always thinking.

You can do mindfulness meditation anywhere at any time. Some studies have proved that it can reduce stress, anxiety, and problems connected to insomnia, poor concentration, and low mood in some people.

Enjoy your own company

Give yourself time to relax.

Find a balance between the obligation to others and the commitment to yourself. It can reduce stress levels.

Tell yourself it is okay to take care of yourself.

Take a break to have good mental health.

Get a quality sleep

Do you find you have trouble sleeping? It is a common problem when you are depressed. Studies have shown that people who take a bath just before going to bed feel less fatigue and are less likely to get stressed. So, it is better to take a bath just before going to bed.

You should also stop using gadgets just 20–30 minutes before going to your bed.

In those 20–30 minutes, you should write your plans for the morning so that you don’t think about your next day while in bed.

It would be a good decision to read a little before falling asleep. And never continue to read when you are feeling sleepy. This practice is enough for relaxing your mind for better sleep.

Click here to read some Healthy Habits.

Think and Reflect!



Abdul B. Qamar

I’m a Business Consultant and Psychologist. I like to help people grow mentally and financially. To know more about what I do, visit: