Effective Business Communication

Abdul B. Qamar
3 min readFeb 22, 2022


Communication can either lock the deal or cancel it. Hence, it plays an integral part in the corporate world. The question is — Is communication enough for dealing with the business community? No! It needs something else, and that’s effectiveness.

The business world has its own infrastructure, values, vocabulary, and pattern of accomplishing things. Thus, every individual should be well-aware of all the norms and ethics of the sphere before joining it; for a booming beginning and an ideal journey. And effective communication is one of its ways of executing things. That’s right! Communication solely is not needed but, it should be effective as well.

Why effective communication?

Effective communication is needed because it allows you to put your message, opinions, and ideas in a way that starts seeking attention and proper engagement with others.

How to communicate effectively?

Well, for effective communication, there are only seven vital principles. Keeping these principles in mind can help anyone to communicate effectively. They are known as ‘the seven C’s’ of communication. Let’s see what these seven C’s are:

- Completeness

Completeness is one of the most important ‘C’ of communication. While delivering a message, it is necessary to include all the needed information. That information can be different in different circumstances, and one should modify it accordingly. Moreover, the message should be as easy as possible for the audience to understand.

- Clarity

One should be clear about the meaning of the message they are delivering. The audience should become aware of the purpose of the message you are trying to give. If there are multiple objectives, present them individually. You should also avoid slang, use simple vocabulary, structure and concentrate on the essence of your message.

- Consideration

This ‘C’ is also considered the crucial element of effective communication that suggests considering the audience’s viewpoint. One should sense the view, background, education level, mood, urges, and concerns of the audience while framing a message. You need to adjust your message to meet the reader’s desires.

- Conciseness

In the corporate world, no one has time for loquacious communication. So, it is better to be concise. That can save everybody’s time. We can acquire conciseness by bypassing the duplication of thoughts and rambling phrases. Instead, we should use straightforward sentences to complete the communication.

- Courtesy

Courtesy is the core segment of effective communication. The start and end should include courtesy. It refers to taking care of the significance of the feelings of others. That helps to achieve goodwill. An individual should use courteous words and show proper respect to the audience for effective communication.

- Concreteness

Concreteness in the message means being absolute and transparent rather than being general, unclear, and insufficient. An individual should deliver correct and specific facts to his audience for effective communication. The arguments must be logical and based on solid facts and reality.

So, these were the seven C’s that make the communication effective. Since the tasks of a leader or an entrepreneur demand stable networking and communications with the associates, managers, and customers, communication plays an essential role in their professional journey. I hope that was easy for you to understand.

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Abdul B. Qamar

I’m a Business Consultant and Psychologist. I like to help people grow mentally and financially. To know more about what I do, visit: www.abdulbasitqamar.com